"Why Would We Google?" -Peter Kelly's Ongoing Saga

Two articles on Charlottetown's recently hired CAO, Peter Kelly ( former mayor of Halifax). The first from CBC News on some trouble Kelly is involved with in Alberta and second, a podcast from the Halifax Examiner titled "Why Would We Google?" - interviews with Charlottetowners on why Kelly was hired in the first place.  From CBC News:

The council of a small farming community north of Edmonton has asked the province of Alberta to conduct a review of its operations, including the conduct of its former chief administrative officer, who is now Charlottetown's CAO.

Westlock County's chief financial officer says Peter Kelly, also the former mayor of Halifax, authorized the spending of hundreds of thousands of dollars in municipal funds without the knowledge or approval of council.

In a briefing last month, chief financial officer Sue Oberg told councillors that Kelly authorized $390,570 in non-budgeted spending while he was county CAO. The money was spent to develop a site in the county's industrial park for a potential client.

Alberta's Municipal Government Act gives council the authority to put a cap on spending that is not included in a budget. Without council approval, Westlock's CAO was only authorized to spend $10,000, said Oberg.

...Primeau said Westlock councillors were aware of the Halifax concert scandal when they hired Kelly, but they weren't aware of another controversy dogging the former Halifax mayor until later.

"The guy had a bad history and we should have never brought him in here. Because he left there and it didn't stop when he got here."

Primeau said he was "horrified" when he heard the City of Charlottetown had named Kelly its CAO.

"I'm assuming he's still on the six-month trial. My only recommendation to Charlottetown is, 'You don't need this fellow.' That would be what I would tell them, if they were to come to me and ask my opinion. Stay away from him."

For more see Peter Kelly spent hundreds of thousands without authorization, says Alta. county

"Why Would We Google?"

The following is a podcast from the Halifax Examiner which includes an interview with Charlottetown Deputy Mayor on the Peter Kelly hire. Starts at 2 minutes in:

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Two articles on Charlottetown's recently hired CAO, Peter Kelly ( former mayor of Halifax).
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