PEI Sports Hall of Fame

The Prince Edward Island Sports Hall of Fame and Museum was incorporated in 1968 and is managed by a board of Directors appointed by Executive Council of the Province of Prince Edward Island. It had its first home at the Summerside High School, then Summerside Town Hall before moving to the Eptek Centre in 1978. In 1997 the Hall found a home at the Wyatt Centre after a significant fund raising campaign.

Unfortunately, in the spring of 2012, owners of the facility asked the Hall to move out, but in October 2014, the City of Summerside came to the fore, and a new display area was erected at Credit Union Place.

The P.E.I. Sports Hall of Fame’s Banquet of Champions and Induction Ceremonies, in conjunction with the Summerside Lobster Carnival’s popular Celebrity Dinner, was the Hall of fame’s major activity during its early years. In its first year of operation, five well known Island sport individuals were inducted into the Sports Hall of Fame. They were; Alfred Groom – track and field, Vern Handrahan – baseball, Forbes Kennedy – hockey, Davis Lidstone – baseball/coach, Norman “Small d” Macdonald – sports journalist, Dr. Archie MacMurdo – official, and Joe O’Brien – harness racing.

Since its inception in 1968 the Sports Hall of Fame has inducted over 170 iindividuals and sports teams as honoured members. The Hall of Fame has two classes of membership, Athlete and Builder. Eligible nominees are those who have brought distinction to Prince Edward Island in any field of sport, and those who have made a major contribution to the development of sports in the Province.

The Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony, which takes place every year in late summer, is one of the highlights of the PEI sporting calendar.

There are two primary purposes for the Sports Hall of Fame; (1) to recognize and pay tribute to those athletes and builders of sport who have brought special honor to our province and (2) to collect artifacts, photographs and other memorabilia relating to, and illustrating the history of sport in Prince Edward Island, and display them in a manner to be enjoyed by all who visit.

As the continuing story of sport unfolds with the achievements of athletes and those who work on their behalf, the Prince Edward Island Sports Hall of Fame and Museum Incorporated will be there, ready to record and honour their excellence for future generations.

Mailing Address:

Nick Murray, Executive Director

PEI Sports Hall of Fame
40 Enman Crescent
Charlottetown, PE
C1E 1E6

Phone: 902-368-4547

E-mail: [email protected]

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