Inn Echo - Album Release Party - October 29th - Matinee Show -...

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Join us for a very special matinee show with popular island group Inn Echo who will be releasing there new album Hemispheres. The lilt of a fiddle — or if you're lucky, multiple fiddles and maybe a guitar — is somehow simultaneously joyful and mournful, especially when put in the skilled hands of a trained musician. Inn Echo, the trio of Karson McKeown, Tuli Porcher and Tom Gammons came together while studying music at Holland College in Charlottetown. Honouring heritage is important, but the members of Inn Echo aren't afraid to wander outside of the parameters of Celtic traditions, bringing in a contemporary spin, hints of classical music and influences from their own respective backgrounds. The result is music that is uplifting and optimistic, with hints of haunting melancholy. Even if kitchen parties aren't your thing, Inn Echo offers a fresh and complex approach to a time-honoured art form that is rooted in ancient traditions, with a clear eye pointed towards the future. Inn Echo will be celebrating the release of their second album, Hemispheres, on October 29th. Inn Echo's first full-length album since their debut in 2019, Hemispheres comes from years of changing, growing and refining their sound. It features 13 original compositions mixed in with traditional tunes. The Charlottetown-based band have been busy touring around the world for the past 2 years, gaining influences along the way and refining their unique sound. They strive to push the boundaries of traditional music while staying true to the origins of the style. The album features 10 tracks, including 2 live tracks recorded at Australia's Woodford Folk Festival in 2022. It was recorded and produced in Charlottetown by Space Camp Productions (Jake Charron and Donald Richard) with graphic design by Jud Haynes. The album is supported by Canada Council Of the Arts. DATE: October 29th 2023 Time: 1:00PM Location: Trailside Music Hall

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