Charlottetown Community Theatre Festival - Mar 5th

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Mar 5
Carrefour Theatre

Mi'kmaq Legends, from the 2015 Festival

Mi'kmaq Legends, from the 2015 Festival

PEI will mark the 55th celebration of World Theatre Day on the afternoon of March 5 at the Carrefour in Charlottetown. It’s the annual Community Theatre Festival.

Short plays will run every three-quarters of an hour or so: one-acts or excerpts (half-hour max) of all kinds—comedy, intense drama, mystery, satire, romance, whatever—with a social time and refreshments in-between performances.  Performers will be given tips by constructive adjudicators Laura Bird and Monique Lafontaine.

PEI is full of theatre. There are about two dozen local drama groups, and hundreds of amateur actors and backstage workers who make plays happen. The Community Theatre Festival is a great chance for participants to strut their stuff beyond their usual home audience, to rub shoulders with and learn from one another and get good feedback.

People drop in for a particular play or two, or stay for the whole afternoon—for just just a free-will donation. Refreshments are available.

The Festival has at least six confirmed participants for March 5. They include a children’s group, a Francophone play, a “dark” comedy, one or two slapstick skits, a compilation of aboriginal legends, and a Tennessee Williams piece.

To get involved contacts Kate Martin at 892-4384 or [email protected] or Rob Thomson at 628-6778 or [email protected].


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Marking the 55th celebration of World Theatre Day.
Events Concert, Music, Theatre


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