Boys & Girls Club 50/50 Draw

Bonanza 50/50 Draw

Our club operates a community 50/50 draw each week as a fundraiser to keep our busy programs going! Each week participants play a toonie with their number in the hopes of taking home 50% of the income for that week. If a registered toonie number is drawn and not played, the money for that week is added to the next. When this occurs it is called a Non-winner. The next week 50% of the new income is added to whatever remains in the pot (if there was a NON-Winner the previous week) and as usual 50% goes to supporting the programs at our club!

How Do I play?

Drop in to one of the 50/50 Box locations and sign up using the registration sheet. Complete each component of the sheet, drop the tear off end in the box and keep the middle section with your number on it! You can then write your number on the stickers located on the side of the box, stick it on the toonie and drop it in. Each week you can simply continue to record your number on a sticker on a toonie and drop it off at one of our locations!

*Must be 19 years or over to play. Please only register your own name.

When Are Boxes Picked Up?

Wednesday Mornings – Toonies must be in by Tuesday Night!

When Is The Draw Made?

Thursdays at 12:25pm on CFCY by the announcer. If it is a winner, they will be contacted as soon as possible and the announcement will be made after contact. If it is a NON-winner, the number will be posted on facebook on Thursday afternoon. The Bonanza 50/50 Draw is licensed #12028 through the Province of PEI Lottery Schemes License. The draw and finances is also audited by a local accounting firm voluntarily each year. This way, you can be sure that the process is fair and the money goes directly to supporting the valuable programs we offer for youth in our community! Please don’t hesitate to contact us with any questions.

Get In The Game at These Great Locations!

-Sam's Restaurants (Cornwall and Charlottetown)

- Needs Convenience Locations (Brackley Point Rd., University Ave., Belvedere Ave., Stratford, Ken's Corner, St. Peters Rd.)

- Grafton Cafe (in Polyclinic)

- Esso Locations ( Stratford, Queens Arms, Belvedere)

- Nicks Foodtown

- Murphy's Pharmacy Locations (Parkdale and West Royalty)

- Ultramar Locations (Scotchford, Sherwood)

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Our club operates a community 50/50 draw each week as a fundraiser to keep our busy programs going!
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